Google Adsense - Part 05

How To Get Regular Content

To make good money with adsense, your website must have good content. That is what will attract
people in the first place. Not only that, the search engines will rank you better. Search engines love
regular and fresh contents. That's why they love blogs. Ask yourself before you decide on the theme
of your website whether you can get regular content to upload almost everyday. Using the carlifornian lawyers example, I knew there was no way I could get regular content to upload on the website. It's just not my thing. You must have a source where you will get content from. I'll advise you to think about the following points. * If you build a site or blog around your interest, it will be easy to always get fresh contents especially if it's a hobby you're passionate about. What are you passionate about?

* Football
* Fishing
* Relationship
* Religion

* Jobs
* Self development
* Nigerian music
* Nigerian politics
* Food
* Night life
* Designer labels.

Think deeply and you will come up with something.
* If you build a site around your knowledge , it won't be difficult to always come up with contents.For instance, if you're pastor, you can easily come up with biblical articles. If you're a physics student, you
should be able to regularly come up with contents related to that and so on.

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